Monday, November 23, 2009


Wondering what I am gonna say about Fish. Just read a book called 'Fish' by Stephen Lundin, Harry Paul & John Christensen.

Most of us spend nearly half our waking hours at workplace and so working ought to be fun; if it's not, it needs to be made fun. Fish has 4 basic principles that can make working fun:
  1. Choose your Attitude:
    When you enter the workplace everyday, you don't just get yourself but also your attitude along.

    "There's always a choice about the way you do your work,
    even if there is not a choice about the work itself."

  2. Play:
    How do you make work fun? Playing is fun. Make work play. Every game has rules, so does work have. This needs more thought on how actual work can be made play.

  3. Make their Day:
    Look beyond working for yourself. Even small gestures can make someone's day. Lookout for how you can help someone. When you enjoy your work; you do it extremely well. Work well done, makes the one in charge or the one who needs it happy.

  4. Be Present:
    Time just flies by. One needs to be in the present, at least for most part of one's day to make the most of it. You can give your work your best, only if you are in the present and focused on the work at hand.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for suggesting this book. I spent about an hour reading it and gained so much. Every working person should read FISH! once.



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